# osgEarth Layers These are the public layer types native to osgEarth. ## Raster Data | Data Source | Description | | ----------- | ------------| | [GDAL](gdal.html) | Loads any imagery format supported by the GDAL library, including GeoTIFF | | [MBTiles](mbtiles.html) | Reads imagery tiles from an MBTiles (MapBox Tiles) database file | | [TMS](tms.html) | Connects to a TMS (TileMapService) repository | | [WMS](wms.html) | OGC Web Map Service server | | [XYZ](xyz.html) | Reads data in standard XYZ format (no metadata) | | [Composite](composite.html) | Combines multiple image layers into a single map layer | | [ContourMap](contourmap.html) | Renders a colored representation of the elevation data in the map | | [Microsoft Bing](bing.html) | ($) Connects to Microsoft Bing service. License key required | | [Cesium Ion](cesiumion.html) | ($) Connects to a Cesium Ion server instance. License key required | | [ESRI ArcGIS Server](arcgis.html) | ($) Connects to an ESRI ArcGIS Server instance | | [MapboxGL](mapboxgl.html) | Rasterizes a MapboxGL map to an image layer. | ## Vector Data | Earth File | Description | | ----------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | [FeatureImage](featureimage.html) | Rasterizes vector data into an image layer | | [FeatureModel](featuremodel.html) | Renders vector data as *OpenSceneGraph* geometry | | [TiledFeatureModel](tiledfeaturemodel.html) | Like a `FeatureModel` layer, but optimized for pre-tiled vector datasets | ## Miscellaneous Layers | Earth File | API Class | Description | | ----------------- | ---------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | Annotations | AnnotationLayer | Holds a collection of annotation elements (like text labels, place nodes, or features) | | Debug | DebugImageLayer | Renders metadata about each rendered map tile | | GeodeticGraticule | GeodeticGraticuleLayer | Display a simple latitude/longitude graticule | | MGRSGraticule | MGRSGraticuleLayer | Displays a simple MGRS graticule with labels | | Model | ModelLayer | Loads and displays an external 3D model at a map location | | Ocean | SimpleOceanLayer | Renders a very simple ocean surface (requires the map to have bathymetry data) | | Sky | SimpleSkyLayer | Renders a sky model with realistic lighting and shading | | TerrainConstraint | TerrainConstraintLayer | Alters the triangulation of the terrain skin to incorporate vector data; e.g., to represent ridgelines, coastlines, or to cut out an area where a custom terrain model will go | | ThreeDTiles | ThreeDTilesLayer | Displays a 3D-Tiles dataset | | UTMGraticule | UTMGraticuleLayer | Displays a simple UTM graticule | | Video | VideoLayer | Renders various video formats to a layer (using FFMPEG) | | Viewpoints | ViewpointsLayer | Pre-set viewpoints that a viewer application can display for the user | | Wind | WindLayer | Incorporates a wind model (needs other layers that can use the data) | ## Feature Sources | Earth File | API Class | Description | | ----------- | ---------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | MVTFeatures | MVTFeatureSource | Mapnik Vector Tiles specification | | OGRFeatures | OGRFeatureSource | Uses a GDAL/OGR vector driver to read feature data. This is the most common feature source for reading local data (e.g., ESRI Shapefile) | | TFSFeatures | TFSFeatureSource | Reads vector features from a server according to the Tiled Feature Service specification (osgEarth proprietary) | | WFSFeatures | WFSFeatureSource | OGC Web Feature Service specification (limited implementation) | | XYZFeatures | XZYFeatureSource | Generic specification for reading tiled vector data from a server |